Ebola Cell Signaling

Ebola: Data and Statistics: my video includes data and graphics following the current outbreak and an overview of the Ebola virus and its effects on cell signaling

Ebola Virus: The Basics: This video by Elina’s narrates the basics of Ebola, cell signaling, research and development in the field of medicine, and any other general information associated with the recent outbreak.

Ebola: Current Research: Abi’s video follows the current research being done to cure or treat Ebola and liberate countries that the virus has affected.

Ebola: Cell Signaling: Amanda’s video details the effects that Ebola virus has on cell signaling, providing images of diseased and healthy pathways.

IDEO Challenge: this is a ink to my challenge response

IDEO Ebola Idea


I have learned a lot about the virus itself and what it does to your body, like how it blocks the white blood cell alarm and induces a high fever by producing cytokines after it explodes the cells. I think I also really realized the significance it has on the people it affects and their fmailies. Although the virus is widespread, the number of family and friends it affects is exponentially larger. I will try and inform people as much as possible and share with them the IDEO challenge page so that they can begin to educate themselves and collectively work towards a solution. My only question would be if there is a website that focuses on ebola that contains research done (videos, surveys, ideas pages…), because my research was done on the internet and some of the individual websites might not have their facts straight (I veered away from sites and “facts” that did not look correct after I cross-checked them)

One thought on “Ebola Cell Signaling

  1. Hey Davis! This blog post was very informative and laid out very nicely. You did a great job of being very informative and demonstrative your knowledge of the topic ebola. Your videos were a try nice touch and gave me very good insight on the topic. Did you know that you can only contract ebola from bodily fluids? The only thing I would have wanted to see you add, is a little bit more of your opinion on the subject. I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments. I really enjoyed reading this and can’t wait to see the next post!


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